We have successfully installed numerous new tennis courts for both the private and commercial market. As a leading tennis court company 1st-Surface Ltd is a member of the Guild of Mastercraftsmen which ensures all tennis court construction is completed to the highest of standards. We are able to provide a free of charge site survey and quotation for tennis court construction in the South East of England.
Site Access For Tennis Court Construction
Tennis courts can be built in most situations even with restricted access. Ideally we would prefer to be able to offload materials next to the proposed court location. In many cases this is not practical and therefore lorries will offload as close as possible, with materials then being taken to the court area using machinery such as dumpers.
Restricted access will result in extra time, labour and machinery on-site, which would have to be reflected in the overall cost of the new tennis court.
Ground Levels/ Conditions
The type of soil may determine the overall specification for the baseworks. Sandy soil provides a good free draining base whereas a clay soil will retain water and may require more drainage.
With regards to ground levels, an ideal tennis court site would be a fairly level lawned area. Should the site have a significant slope then the earthworks would take slightly longer using either a cut and fill method or if necessary a cut to solid. Retaining walls may be required in certain situations. Any trees or other obstructions can be taken down by ourselves prior to commencement. Obviously certain trees have preservation orders placed on them which prevents their removal.
Topsoil on or off-site?
When building a new tennis court all topsoil has to be removed from the proposed court area to provide a sound base. Ideally all arisings would be spread next to the court to keep costs to a minimum. Where the site does not allow for the topsoil to be spread it can be removed off-site. This however, will signifcantly increase costs bearing in mind landfill charges for tipping.
Planning Permission For Tennis Court Construction
Generally permission is only required for the surround fence if the tennis court itself is being built within a private garden. In general permission is only required for the surround fence if the court itself is being built within a private garden. In our experience, the fencing height does not provide an issue with most local authorities. The court itself requires permission if it involves a change of use of land; e.g. from agricultural.
When building a tennis court it is important that we are sure that there are no obstructions such as water pipes, gas, electricity in the area of construction. If needed, some services could be re-routed around the proposed new tennis court location.
An outdoor tennis court should preferably be positioned with its length running as near as possible north-south. This is so that in a summer's evening, it will shine across the court and not in the face of the players. However this need not preclude the construction of a court in another direction if the available space leaves no alternative.
Fence Detail
We are able to offer tennis court surround fences to numerous specifications in both green or black. We normally supply and install our green tubular surround fence to a standard height of 2.75m (9ft). This can also be offered with drop sections to one/both lengths to a height of 1m which softens the look particularly if the court is in direct view. In most cases a standard 2.75m high fence would have one standard gate installed whereas a fencing system with a drop section would have a small gate installed. Additional gates can be incorporated at extra cost. The traditional angle iron fence can also be supplied if requested.
Length of Construction
On average the construction time for a new tennis court would be approximately 6 – 8 weeks which allows for the curing processes.
All disruption will be kept to a minimum during the tennis court construction contract period and the site left clean and tidy upon completion. Clients should be aware that the installation of a new tennis court involves fairly major construction works by the tennis court company.

• Standard domestic
tennis court dimensions:
Length: 33.53m (110ft)
Width: 16.48m (54ft)*
• LTA recommended size:
Length: 34.75m (114ft)
Width: 17.07m (56ft)
• LTA full size:
Length: 36.58m (120ft)
Width: 18.20m (60ft).
For domestic use,
overall court dimensions
of 33.53m x 16.48m are perfectly acceptable and the normal size of most private tennis courts.